Bass Guitar vs Electric Guitar [What’s The Difference]

This article is for all musicians who are wondering what the difference is between a bass guitar and an electric guitar. 

Some people may think that they are the same but they really aren’t. 

There are many differences in both their design, size, tuning, tone, and more. I hope this article will help you make your decision on which one to buy!

What is a bass guitar?

A bass guitar is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers, or with picks, but also occasionally with the fingernails of the classically trained fingerstyle player. 

The most common design for the bass guitar is 4 strings tuned E-A-D-G from lowest to highest pitch, although many variations on this basic design are used. 

Another commonly used alternative tuning is D-G-C-F, which preserves the intervals between notes of the third and fourth octaves while shifting each of those notes up by one semitone. 

As well as being more difficult to master in terms of finger dexterity, using different tunings can lead to vastly different tones depending on how they affect string tension

Though technically any fretted, stringed instrument of the lute family that lacks a fully independent pedalboard is considered a bass guitar, the term bass guitar is typically reserved for the largest two or three which have become popular in rock music.

How to choose bass guitar?

When you are looking for bass guitar, only go after the best. 

Stop wanting cheap stuff that won’t satisfy you. Let’s define “good” as one that satisfies your personal needs and preferences.

Here are some things to consider when choosing your first bass guitar: 


You should pick a light axe. Beginners tend to play with heavy-gauge strings and at times thrashing their basses around on stage, so we can understand why they opt for something chunky and hefty—to be durable and safeguard against all the abuse. 

But if you need an instrument for more than just standing in place during performances, try one of those with a lighter tone and easy action. 

It won’t punish you as bad when you make mistakes and your playing won’t be as restricted.


Some people seem to think that the sound of a bass is in the strings, when actually it’s all in the hands of the player. 

So if you’re looking for that traditional “bass” tone, go for a bass guitar with thicker strings and a longer scale length. 

This will help produce more low end and give you that desired “oomph!”


Do you plan on slapping and popping? Doing a lot of finger-style work? If so, you’ll need an instrument with a wider neck and one that’s more sensitive to playing nuances.

You may also ask the musician you admire, if he/she has any suggestions for your first bass guitar. 

And most importantly, by all means do NOT base your purchase on what the other musicians are using, or on how they play it. The only thing that matters is what works best for YOU!


Bass guitars are pretty sophisticated instruments, but there are brands out there who cut costs without sacrificing quality by making them in factories abroad with lower production standards and materials given lesser priority. 

Also don’t immediately write off second-hand items because you think they’re too old—if you can find classic Gibson Ripper Bass from the 1970s, for instance, in good condition at a reasonable price, it might just be the perfect starter instrument for you.

Do your research on brands and models of bass guitars available on the market and find one that suits your budget and needs. 

You can start by reading online reviews or visiting music shops to test out the different makes and models. There are various bass guitar online coaching to learn from them.


Bass guitar is not a cheap purchase. Make sure you try out as many as possible before settling on one so that you’re 100% sure it’s the right instrument for you!

Benefits of using bass guitar

I’ve been playing the bass for quite some time now but I still feel like I’m learning new things everyday. 

It’s such an interesting instrument and it offers so many benefits both physically and mentally. Here are my top 7 bass parenting benefits:

1. Bass guitars produce low frequency sound, which is well known to be effective in helping people sleep better because low frequencies help relax our muscles and calm down that busy mind of ours. 

I know all too well how well the combination of babies crying + sleeping baby + me trying to tune out all those sounds = ZERO SLEEP (a recipe for disaster). 

This particular benefit alone made me wish someone would’ve given me a bass guitar sooner! It helped me get through it; I’m sure it will do the same for you.

2. Bass guitars are physically demanding instruments to play which is great for our overall health. 

You not only have to use your fingers and hands but also use your arms, shoulders and back muscles. Playing the bass regularly can help tone these areas as well as improve our overall strength and dexterity.

3. The act of playing music in general has been shown to offer many mental health benefits such as reducing stress, anxiety and depression levels. 

For parents, this can be key in maintaining our emotional well-being especially when things get tough. 

Playing the bass can be a great way to let out any anger or frustration in a healthy way without hurting anyone (including ourselves).

4. Learning an instrument also brings a lot of benefits for children as they’re growing up. 

It encourages the development of their coordination, motor skills and creativity. 

Learning a new musical style can broaden their perception of different cultures which can help teach them acceptance and understanding for others.

5. As I mentioned before, playing bass is great for our overall health so please please do not underestimate this benefit! 

In fact, you don’t have to play any musical instruments at all to enjoy these mental and physical benefits – just take your baby out into nature with you or go on a family walk with the stroller – that alone will increase your physical activity levels thus reducing your depression/anxiety level by itself!

6. The confidence boost you’ll receive from learning how to play an instrument, especially the bass guitar, is great. It can help boost our self-esteem which is always good for us parents no matter what stage of parenting we’re at: pre-kid or post-kids.

7. Lastly and most importantly, who doesn’t want their kid to be exposed to music as early as possible? 

I definitely enjoy listening and playing my favorite songs with my family – it’s a great way for me and my son to bond with each other and develop more musical tastes/interests together as he gets older!

How to play bass guitar?

1. First and foremost, you need a bass guitar! A majority of bass guitars have 4 strings, but there are some with as many as 6! 

The standard tuning is EADG (low to high), although a few manufacturers tune the low “E” string up an octave to a higher pitch so that it’s called an “A.” Other tunings include F#BEA, EBGBD, etc. 

There are also 5-string and double-bass guitars available. It is possible to play one of these instruments without owning all the extra strings though — I’ve heard several people do it using harmonics or by playing leads on just 2 or even 1 string. 

2. Pick a CD, songbook or a magazine that includes a good bass line and learn it. There are lots of examples to choose from for this application! I prefer to use music with singing because the vocal is an important part of the song and is something you have to play along with. 

3. Once you’ve mastered playing simple lines with your right hand, practice using your left hand on piano or guitar as well as without an instrument. 

Remember, any chord can be played “up front” with all it’s notes sounding clearly — but most often not in time AND tune with everything else going on around you! 

So here’s the rub: try playing every chord one-at-a-time doing a hammer-on or pull-off with your left hand. This will help get your left hand fingers in the groove and up to speed.

If you’re having trouble with chords, try breaking them down into single notes as well. In fact, once you can play a bass line with just one note at a time, you’re well on your way to playing some interesting music! 

4. Get a band together! The more people you have to play with, the better — and the louder!

What is an electric guitar?

An electric guitar is a type of guitar that uses electricity to make sound. It is different from an acoustic guitar and bass, which doesn’t use electricity. 

Electric guitars are often used in rock music and other genres.

There are many different types of electric guitars. Some are made for beginners, while others are designed for more experienced players. 

Some guitars have lots of features, while others are more simple.

5 Factors to choose an electric guitar

Electric guitars are the best choice for beginners because they offer a wider range of tones and options. But how to choose an electric guitar? 

We will try to answer this question by going over 5 factors that should be considered while buying a new one. 

For a beginner, these things may seem complicated but after mastering the basics everything will go much smoother. So without further ado let’s start!

1 . Solid Body vs Hollow-body Guitars.

Solid body and hollow-body are 2 types of electric guitars that have quite different characteristics and qualities. In order to help you get a better understanding, we’ll compare both types with each other in terms of sound, playability and cost. 

A solid-body guitar is one in which the body is made of solid wood. Because of their structure, they are usually more sturdy and stable than hollow-body guitars. 

Solid-body guitars are usually preferred by musicians who play hard rock or punk music. However, since they were developed later on, they have become more versatile today.

Hollow-body (or semi-hollow) guitars also come with hollowed out backs like the traditional ones but the difference lies in their sound chamber that amplifies their tone producing capabilities notably better than solid-body electric guitars. 

They aren’t as loud as solid body ones but if you pick up a quality one you will definitely love its rich tone. These types of electric guitars are ideal for jazz aficionados or blues fans.

2. Pickups

The pickups on an electric guitar are responsible for converting the string vibrations into electrical signals that are later amplified and played through a loudspeaker. 

There are 3 main types of pickups: single coil, dual coil and Humbucker. The type of pickup you should choose depends on your music genre and playing style. 

For example, if you prefer mellower sounds go for a guitar with single-coil pickups, if you like heavier music or play lead then a dual-coil is perfect for you and Humbuckers offer a deep and rich tone for those who love classic rock.

3. Neck Joints

There are 3 main neck joints that electric guitars can have: bolt-on, set neck and neck thru. 

The first one uses screws or bolts to attach the neck of the guitar to its body. This style is good for those who like a light instrument since it makes the whole process much easier but if you are looking for sustain go for a guitar with a set-in or neck-thru neck joint. 

Neck Thru guitars have their necks inserted into their bodies from the beginning so they offer stronger stability and sustain.

4. Scale length

Scale length refers to the distance between nut and bridge (and also where fretting begins). Of course this distance varies depending on different string sizes – electric guitars usually come with 4,5 or 6 strings – but despite that there are still 3 main types of scale lengths: short, medium and long. 

The short scales (375-15/16 inches) are preferred by shredders or aggressive musicians who like to make use of their whammy bars extensively. 

The longer scales have a deeper low end frequency but they aren’t necessarily better since the sound tends to be more spread out over the three lower strings.

5 . Body material

The guitar’s body is made from different materials that give it different tone characteristics. Some common ones are basswood, mahogany, maple, poplar or swamp ash while some others are rarer such as koa for example. 

They all affect the sustain and general tonal character of an electric guitar so you should check them out before making your purchase.

Benefits of using electric guitar

A lot of people have been turned off from buying an electric guitar because of the lack of knowledge they have on the instrument. 

For some, it is a daunting task to choose what type of electric guitar you want. Some people don’t even know how to play this modern musical instrument at all. 

In fact, there are even those who will just buy one without knowing that they have options on which type would fit them best. 

Well, if you’re planning to get a new guitar and having a hard time deciding which one to pick up – check out these 7 benefits of using an electric guitar:

1) Electric guitars come in more shapes and sizes as compared to acoustic ones.

2) Also, there are variety packs available consisting of several guitar models to fit your needs.

3) Moreover, it is also advisable that you choose an electric guitar with different pickups (humbucker or single coil) if you want to produce a variety of sounds in the future.  

And for beginners, choosing guitars with only one kind of pickup is advised since it will be easier to play. So when in doubt, go for guitars with humbuckers than the ones which have single coils only.

4) If you are just beginning your journey on playing the electric guitar, then don’t worry! 

Because most electric guitars look alike , chances are high that you’ll be able to pick up any type and still sound great even without proper training. This that anyone can start learning this musical instrument without much hassle. 

5) And lastly, if you are into music that requires distortion, then having an electric guitar is a must. Distortion has its good and bad side in playing the guitar so it’s important to learn to balance your sound well.

6) You can experiment with different amps, effects or whatever gear you have because of their adaptability . 

Most electric guitars are designed for versatility so they will be able to produce great sounds even when used together with other equipment s. Take advantage of this feature! 

7) Electric guitars may not be cheap but they come in more budget-friendly options than acoustic ones do . If you want something that doesn’t require too much attention while still sounding good – go for the electric guitar.

How to play electric guitar?

When I first started to play electric guitar I had no idea what was going wrong. What did I need to be doing? Was my technique good enough?

NO! It turned out that there were so many things right with my technique, but so many more wrong. 

However, when it came down to it, I knew in time if I worked hard enough to improve my playing style – anything was possible! So here’s a look at 20 mistakes beginners make when learning how to play electric guitar:

1) The first and most common mistake beginners make is gripping the guitar too tightly. 

This can cause tension in your hands, arms and shoulders, which will inhibit your ability to move freely and makes playing the guitar more difficult than it needs to be. Try to relax your hands and grip the instrument with a light touch.

2) Not taking the time to practice regularly is another big mistake that beginners make. If you don’t practice, you won’t get better. It’s as simple as that! You should aim to practice for at least 30 minutes each day.

3) Focusing on finger strength rather than dexterity is another common mistake. 

When you are first starting out, it’s important to focus on getting your fingers to move quickly and accurately, rather than working on building up your finger strength.

4) Not learning the basics is a mistake that many beginners make. If you don’t learn the basic chords and scales, you won’t be able to play any songs. Make sure you take the time to learn these basics before moving on to more advanced techniques.

5) Not using a metronome is another common mistake. A metronome will help you keep time and develop your timing skills. It is a valuable tool for any guitarist, beginner or not.

6) Practicing with incorrect technique can actually do more harm than good. Be sure to practice with the correct technique so that you can avoid developing bad habits.

7) Not warming up properly can also lead to problems with your technique. A good warm-up routine is essential for avoiding injuries and ensuring that you play at your best.

8) Trying to learn too many things at once can be another common mistake beginners make. When you are first starting out, it’s important to focus on learning the basics before moving on to more advanced techniques.

9) Not practicing the correct way can also be a problem. Be sure to practice with the correct technique so that you can improve your playing skills quickly and effectively.

10) Not taking care of your equipment can also lead to problems. Be sure to clean and maintain your guitar and other gear regularly so that it lasts longer and performs at its best.

11) Not using a guitar strap can also be a mistake. A guitar strap will help to distribute the weight of the instrument evenly, which can help to avoid fatigue and pain in your hands, arms and shoulders.

12) Holding the guitar in the wrong position can also be a problem. Be sure to hold the guitar so that it is comfortable for you. You may need to experiment a little to find the position that is best for you.

13) Not tuning your guitar regularly can also lead to problems. A out-of-tune guitar will not sound very good and can make playing difficult. Be sure to tune your electric guitar before each practice session and performance.

14) Not practicing with a band can also be a mistake. Playing with other musicians can help to improve your playing skills and can be a lot of fun too!

15) Not using the correct posture can also lead to problems. Be sure to sit or stand up straight when playing the guitar. This will help to ensure that you are playing in the correct position and will help to avoid injuries.

16) Not practicing regularly can also lead to problems. If you don’t practice, you won’t get better. It’s as simple as that! You should aim to practice for at least 30 minutes each day.

17) Focusing on speed rather than accuracy is another common mistake beginners make. 

When you are first starting out, it’s important to focus on getting your fingers to move quickly and accurately, rather than working on building up your speed.

18) Using a pick that is too thick can also be a mistake. A thicker pick will cause you to play with more force. This force may not seem like much when you’re just learning but it can lead to problems as your playing skills develop.

19) Not cleaning the strings regularly may seem harmless but it can actually cause problems down the line. 

Crusted dirt and sweat can affect the sound of your guitar, reduce its overall playability and even damage the finish over time. Be sure to clean the strings from time-to-time using a cloth and a specially- formulated guitar string cleaner.

20) Focusing too much on the chord instead of the note can be another common mistake that beginners make. 

When playing chords, it’s important to focus on getting your fingers to press down each string accurately. If one finger presses down the wrong string, the sound will be out of tune and this will affect other chords too.

7 Differences between bass guitar vs electric guitar

1. The type of instruments they are- Bass guitars are typically larger than electric guitars and have a lower tone. Electric guitars are smaller and higher in pitch.

2. The strings- Bass guitars typically have four thicker strings, while electric guitars have six thinner strings. This difference in string thickness makes it harder to fret bass notes on an electric guitar.

3. The sound- Bass guitars create a deep, low sound, while electric guitars create a brighter, higher sound.

4. The pickups- Bass guitars have one or two pickups near the bridge of the instrument, while electric guitars have three or more pickups along the body of the instrument. This difference affects the range of sounds that each type of guitar can create.

5. The amplification- Bass guitars are generally amplified through a bass amp, while electric guitars are amplified through a guitar amp. This difference in amps affects the range of sounds that each type of guitar can create.

6. The style of music- Bass guitars are typically used in heavier styles of music such as metal or rock, while electric guitars are more commonly used in genres such as pop or country.

7. The size- Bass guitars are larger than electric guitars and take up more space on stage. This difference can affect the way the instruments are played and how they sound to an audience.

Electric guitars vs bass guitars– although both types of instruments have their own unique qualities, the differences between them are mainly cosmetic. 

Electric guitars often have a sheen finish, while bass guitars typically have a matte finish. 

Both types of instruments create a different tone and are played differently depending on the genre they are being used in, but the basic mechanics for both instrument types remains the same.

Which is better: bass guitar vs electric guitar?

There are pros and cons to both bass and electric guitars. Bass guitars are the foundation of a band’s sound, providing the low-end rumble that sets the tone for the music. 

They can be played in a variety of styles, from country to metal. Electric guitars are more versatile, capable of playing a wider range of genres. They can also be played at a higher volume, making them perfect for rock and blues bands.

Bass guitars are typically easier to learn than electric guitars. They have fewer strings and less complicated fretting patterns. 

This makes them ideal for beginners or those who want to focus on their rhythm playing skills. 

Electric guitars require more dexterity and technique to play well. However, they offer more options for creative expression. Guitars can be played to create a variety of sounds, from clicking and clacking to twanging and strumming.


“So what’s the difference between a bass guitar and an electric guitar?” you may be wondering. 

Well, as we’ve seen from our discussion above there are several differences to consider when choosing which instrument is right for you. 

For example, if your goal is to produce the lowest sounds possible then a bass guitar might suit those needs better than an electric with its higher-pitched strings. 

But if one of your top priorities in purchasing either type is versatility or portability, go for an acoustic model instead – they can play both types of music well! 

And finally, keep in mind that neither choice will limit how good you sound; it all comes down to what feels best under your fingers and within reach on the fretboard.

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