Violin vs Viola: Best Guide For You

The violin and viola are two of the most widely recognized instruments in the string family, both possessing a rich and distinctive sound. Although similar in appearance, there are notable differences between the violin vs viola, from their size and tuning to their role in orchestral and chamber music. Whether you’re a musician looking to choose between the two, or simply an enthusiast curious about the nuances of classical music, understanding the differences between violin and viola can deepen your appreciation for these remarkable instruments.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between violin and viola, from their history and construction to their unique sounds and repertoire.

violin vs viola

What is a violin?

A violin is a four-stringed musical instrument that is a member of the string family. It is typically played with a bow made of horsehair, which is drawn across the strings to produce sound. The violin has a distinctive hourglass shape, with a narrow waist and curved bouts at the top and bottom. The body of the violin is made of wood, with a spruce top and maple back and sides. The strings are typically made of gut or steel, and are tuned to the notes G, D, A, and E. The violin has a range of about four octaves and is used in a variety of musical genres, from classical and folk music to jazz and rock. It is also an important orchestral instrument, playing a prominent role in many symphonies and other large-scale compositions.

What is viola?

violin vs viola

Viola is a musical instrument that is a member of the string family, similar to the violin. It is larger than the violin and has a deeper, richer sound. The viola has a distinctive hourglass shape like the violin, but it is larger and has a longer neck and a deeper body. The viola is played with a bow made of horsehair, which is drawn across the strings to produce sound. Like the violin, the viola has four strings, typically tuned to the notes C, G, D, and A. However, the viola’s strings are thicker and produce a lower pitch than the violin. The viola is also used in a variety of musical genres, from classical and folk music to jazz and rock. It is an important orchestral instrument, often playing a supportive role to the violin in the string section of an orchestra. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the viola as a solo instrument, with many virtuosic performers demonstrating the beauty and expressive potential of this unique instrument.

Violin vs Viola


Body ShapeNarrow waist, curved boutsNarrow waist, curved bouts
Neck LengthShorterLonger
SoundBright, piercingRich, mellow
StringsTuned to G, D, A, ETuned to C, G, D, A
Bowing TechniqueGenerally lighter and quickerGenerally heavier and slower
Music RoleOften a solo instrument, prominent in orchestral and chamber musicOften plays a supportive role in orchestral and chamber music
RepertoireWide range of solo and chamber works, from Baroque to contemporary musicLimited solo repertoire, but prominent in the chamber and orchestral music


The violin and viola are both stringed instruments that are played with a bow. Here are some similarities between the two:

  1. Both are part of the violin family of instruments.
  2. Both have four strings tuned in fifths: G-D-A-E.
  3. Both are played with a bow, made of horsehair.
  4. Both have similar fingerboard and bowing techniques.
  5. Both require regular tuning and maintenance.
  6. Both are used in classical music, as well as other genres such as folk and pop.
  7. Both have a similar shape and design, with a hollow body, f-holes, and sound post.

Despite their similarities, there are some differences between the two instruments, including their size, tone, and range.

History and Origin

The violin and the viola have a shared history and origin that dates back to the early 16th century in Northern Italy.

The earliest known violin, made by Andrea Amati in 1555, is similar in size and shape to the viola, and was known as a “viola da braccio” (arm viola) or “violin da braccio” (arm violin). The instrument was played with a bow held in the right hand and the left hand fingering the strings.

Over time, the design of the instrument evolved, and by the 17th century, the violin and the viola had distinct sizes and shapes. The violin became smaller and higher-pitched, while the viola remained larger and lower-pitched.

During the Baroque era, the violin became the most popular instrument in the orchestra, while the viola played a supporting role in harmony. However, in the Classical era, composers such as Mozart and Beethoven began to give the viola a more prominent role, and it became an essential part of the string quartet.

Today, the violin and the viola continue to be popular instruments in classical music, as well as in other genres such as folk, country, and pop.

Pros and Cons

Here are some pros and cons of playing the violin and the viola:

Pros of playing the violin:

  1. It is a highly versatile instrument that can be used in a variety of genres, including classical, jazz, folk, and pop.
  2. The violin has a wide range of notes and can produce a bright and energetic sound that can be heard clearly over other instruments.
  3. Violin players are in high demand in orchestras and other musical groups.
  4. The violin is relatively small and portable, making it easy to transport.
  5. There are many resources available for learning to play the violin, including books, videos, and online tutorials.

Cons of playing the violin:

  1. The violin can be challenging to learn, and it can take years of practice to become proficient.
  2. The high-pitched sound of the violin can be harsh or grating to some people.
  3. Violin strings and accessories can be expensive.
  4. The small size of the violin can make it uncomfortable for some players to hold and play for extended periods.
  5. Violin players are more prone to developing repetitive strain injuries due to the nature of the instrument.

Pros of playing the viola:

  1. The viola has a rich and warm tone that can add depth and richness to a musical piece.
  2. Viola players are in high demand in orchestras and chamber ensembles.
  3. The viola has a lower range of notes than the violin, making it a good option for players who prefer lower-pitched instruments.
  4. The larger size of the viola can be more comfortable for some players to hold and play.
  5. There are many resources available for learning to play the viola, including books, videos, and online tutorials.

Cons of playing viola

  • Playing the viola can be physically demanding.
  • It has a limited repertoire
  • It is not as popular as other instruments,
  • It can have intonation challenges,
  • It can be expensive.

Cost and Availability

When it comes to the cost and availability of violins and violas, there are several factors to consider.

Firstly, violins are generally more popular and widely played than violas, which means that there is a larger market for violins. As a result, violins are often more widely available, both new and used, and can be purchased at a range of price points to suit different budgets.

Secondly, violins are smaller than violas, which makes them easier and less expensive to manufacture. The smaller size also means that less material is needed to make a violin, which can further reduce the cost. In addition, the smaller size makes violins easier to transport, store, and play, which can increase their appeal to a wider range of musicians.

In contrast, violas are larger than violins, which can make them more expensive to produce. The larger size also means that more material is needed to make a viola, which can increase the cost. Furthermore, the larger size can make violas harder to transport, store, and play, which may limit their appeal to some musicians.

Another factor to consider is the quality of the instrument. Both violins and violas can vary widely in price depending on their quality, materials, and brand. A high-quality instrument from a well-known brand can be very expensive, while a lower-quality instrument from an unknown brand may be more affordable. The price of an instrument can also be affected by the materials used to make it, with higher-quality materials generally leading to a higher price.

Overall, while violins are generally more widely available and less expensive than violas, the price and availability of both instruments can vary widely depending on a range of factors. It’s important to carefully consider your needs and budget when choosing between the two instruments and to seek advice from a knowledgeable professional if you’re unsure which one is right for you.

violin vs viola

Options for Beginners

For beginners, both violins and violas are good options to consider, but there are some differences to keep in mind.

One advantage of the violin for beginners is that it is often easier to find resources, such as books, videos, and teachers, due to its popularity. This can be helpful for those who are just starting out and need guidance and support.

In addition, violins are typically available in smaller sizes, which can be a better fit for younger or smaller students. This can make it easier for beginners to hold and play the instrument, as well as reduce the risk of injury or strain.

On the other hand, violas can offer some advantages for beginners as well. For example, the larger size of the viola can make it easier to produce a good tone, especially for those with larger hands or longer arms. Additionally, the deeper, warmer sound of the viola can be appealing to some students.

It’s important to consider both instruments and try them out before making a decision. If possible, renting or borrowing both a violin and a viola can be a good way to get a feel for each instrument and determine which one is the best fit. Working with a knowledgeable teacher or music store professional can also help make a decision and find the right instrument.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Practice proper posture to avoid discomfort and injury when playing the violin or viola.
  2. Use a shoulder rest or pad to support the instrument and improve playing comfort.
  3. Pay attention to intonation and tuning to produce a good sound and play in tune with others.
  4. Experiment with different strings and bow techniques to achieve the desired sound.
  5. Learn to shift positions smoothly to play higher notes on the violin or viola.
  6. Use a metronome to improve timing and rhythm.
  7. Play with other musicians to develop ensemble skills and improve overall playing ability.
  8. Take breaks and stretch to avoid fatigue and injury when practicing or performing for extended periods.
  9. Work with a knowledgeable teacher or mentor to receive guidance and feedback on your playing.
  10. Set realistic goals and practice regularly to make progress and achieve success on the violin or viola.


What is the difference between a violin and a viola?

The main difference between a violin and a viola is their size and pitch. Violas are slightly larger than violins and produce a deeper, warmer sound.

Which instrument is easier to learn: violin or viola?

A: Both instruments require time and practice to master, but some beginners may find the violin easier to start with due to its smaller size and more widely available resources.

Can a violinist play the viola or vice versa?

A: Yes, a violinist can learn to play the viola and vice versa. However, there are some technical differences between the two instruments, such as the bowing and fingering techniques.

Is it possible to switch from playing the violin to the viola or vice versa?

A: Yes, it is possible to switch from playing the violin to the viola or vice versa, but it may require some adjustment to the different techniques and sounds of the instrument.


In conclusion, the violin and the viola are two distinct instruments with their own unique characteristics and playing styles. While the violin is known for its bright and soaring sound, the viola has a warmer and more mellow tone. Both instruments are integral parts of orchestral music and have contributed to countless musical masterpieces throughout history. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preference, playing style, and the type of music being played. Whether you choose the violin or the viola, both offer a world of beauty and expression for musicians and listeners alike.

Also read: electric violin vs acoustic violin

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