How to Change Mandolin Strings

Mandolin strings are an integral part of the instrument, and like all other strings, they eventually wear out and need replacement. Learning how to change mandolin strings can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a straightforward and rewarding process. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to change your mandolin strings with detailed instructions and helpful tips.

How to Change Mandolin Strings

To change mandolin strings, you will need a new set of strings, wire cutters or pliers, a tuner, and optionally, a string winder. Start by selecting the right strings, then remove the old strings, clean the instrument, install the new strings, and tune the instrument carefully. Follow these steps and helpful tips to change your mandolin strings with confidence and enjoy a fresh sound and improved playability of your instrument.

Tools you will need:

  • New set of mandolin strings
  • String winder (optional but recommended)
  • Wire cutters or pliers
  • Tuner

Step 1: Choose the Right Strings

The first step in changing mandolin strings is selecting the right set of strings. Mandolin strings come in a variety of gauges, or thicknesses, and materials. Some mandolin players prefer lighter gauge strings for a more delicate sound, while others prefer heavier gauges for a louder, more robust sound. Generally, the gauge of the strings is indicated on the packaging, so make sure to choose a set that matches your preferences.

Mandolin strings also come in different materials, including steel, bronze, and nickel. Each material has its unique sound, so it’s important to choose the right material that suits your playing style.

Step 2: Remove the Old Strings

Once you have selected the right set of strings, the next step is to remove the old strings. Start by loosening the tension on the string by turning the tuning peg counterclockwise. Once the tension is released, use wire cutters or pliers to cut the string near the bridge. Carefully unwind the string from the tuning peg and remove it from the instrument. Repeat this process for all four strings.

Step 3: Clean the Instrument

Before installing the new strings, it’s essential to clean the instrument’s fretboard and bridge. Use a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface. If necessary, you can also use a damp cloth to clean the fretboard.

Step 4: Install the New Strings

Now it’s time to install the new strings. Start with the thinnest string and work your way up to the thickest string. Begin by inserting the string through the hole in the tailpiece, and then thread it over the bridge and up to the tuning peg.

Next, wrap the end of the string around the tuning peg and insert it through the hole. Make sure the string is seated securely in the peg hole. If you have a string winder, use it to wind the string around the tuning peg. Make sure to wind the string in a clockwise direction, so it wraps around the peg from the bottom up.

Step 5: Tune the Strings

Once you have installed all four strings, it’s time to tune the instrument. Use a tuner to ensure each string is tuned to the correct pitch. Start by tuning the thinnest string, and work your way up to the thickest string. It’s essential to tune the strings carefully to ensure the mandolin sounds good and stays in tune.

How to Change Mandolin Strings

Helpful Tips:

  • Make sure to wind the strings neatly around the tuning pegs to avoid any kinks or overlaps.
  • Use wire cutters or pliers to cut the strings to prevent them from damaging the instrument.
  • Don’t over-tighten the strings, as this can damage the instrument or cause the strings to break.
  • If you have trouble threading the string through the peg hole, try using a small piece of wire to guide it through.
  • It’s a good idea to change all four strings at once, so the tension is balanced across the instrument.


How often should I change my mandolin strings?

A: It depends on how frequently you play and how long you have had the current strings on your instrument. Generally, it’s recommended to change your mandolin strings every 3-6 months if you play regularly, or when they start to sound dull or lose their intonation.

Can I change one string at a time, or should I change all four at once?

A: While you can change one string at a time, it’s recommended to change all four strings at once. This ensures that the tension is balanced across the instrument, and it will sound its best.

What gauge of strings should I use for my mandolin?

A: The gauge of strings you should use depends on your playing style and preference. Lighter gauge strings are suitable for a more delicate sound, while heavier gauges are suitable for a louder, more robust sound. Experiment with different gauges to find the one that suits you best.

Do I need a string winder to change mandolin strings?

A: While a string winder is not necessary, it can make the process faster and more comfortable. A string winder can help you wind the strings neatly around the tuning pegs and save time.

Can I reuse my old strings?

A: It’s not recommended to reuse old strings, as they may have worn out or lost their tone. It’s best to replace them with new strings for optimal sound and playability.


Changing mandolin strings may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a simple and rewarding process. Remember to select the right set of strings for your playing style and preferences, and follow the steps we outlined above. Don’t forget to tune the instrument carefully and maintain the proper tension on the strings to keep the mandolin sounding its best.

By following these steps and helpful tips, you’ll be able to change your mandolin strings with confidence and enjoy the fresh sound and improved playability of your instrument. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned mandolin player, knowing how to change your strings is an essential skill that will serve you well throughout your musical journey.

Also read: How Harp Strings Are Made

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